
QEC at BGNU conducts assessment of its academic programs following Self-Assessment Manual provided by HEC. The process of Self-Assessment of Academic Programs is carried out by following the below two steps:

The preparation of Self-Assessment Report (SAR) by Program Teams (PTs) which involves:

  • Selection of Programs for Self-Assessment
  • Selection and Notification of Program Teams (PTs) through BGNU Institutional Quality Circle (BGNU-IQC)
  • Training of PTs for the preparation of Self-Assessment Report (SAR) by QEC
  • Provision of SAR related documents to PTs by QEC
  • Submission of SAR to QEC by PT
  • Review of SAR by QEC
  • Final submission of SAR to QEC through concerned Chairperson/Incharge
The submission of Assessment Team (AT) findings, Executive Summary and Implementation Plans prepared by the Assessment Teams, QEC and Chairperson / Incharges of the concerned Department.
  • Selection and Notification of Assessment Teams (ATs) by Worthy Vice Chancellor
  • Training of Assessment teams by QEC
  • Visit of Assessment Teams to the concerned Department
  • Submission of AT findings according to HEC format to QEC
  • Exit Meeting (QEC, Chairperson/Incharge, PT, AT, Faculty)
  • Submission of Executive Summary to Worthy Vice Chancellor by QEC
  • Submission of Implementation Plan by concerned Chairperson/Incharge to QEC
  • Follow up the Implementation Plan by QEC