
In order to maintain the general standards of quality, QEC is enforcing its departments to get accreditation of all the applicable academic programs from relevant accreditation councils. A brief description of these councils is as under:

National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC)
The purpose of NBEAC is to assure quality in Business Administration/Public Administration/Management Sciences degree programs according to the proposed accreditation in educational institutions. It requires a program to meet certain defined standards or criteria. More About NBEAC (
National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC)
The Higher Education Commission has set up an accreditation authority, National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC). NCEAC will look after the matter regarding the accreditation of institutions and their departments, faculties and disciplines by giving them appropriate ratings and define the organization's objectives, functions and duties to be performed. More About NCEAC ( Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP) The Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Ordinance 1983 was promulgated with a view to give recognition and protection to the profession of architecture and town planning in Pakistan. The PCATP is authorized to perform all functions and to take steps connected with or ancillary to all aspects of the two professions including laying down standards of conduct, safeguarding interests of its members, assisting the Government and national institutions in solving national problems relating to the professions, promotion of reforms in the professions, promotion of education of these professions, reviewing and advising the Government in the matter of architecture and town planning education etc. More About PCATP (
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has accredited UMT’s engineering programs. The Pakistan Engineering Council is a statutory body, constituted under the PEC Act 1976 (V of 1976) amended upto 24th January 2011, to regulate the engineering profession in the country such that it shall function as key driving force for achieving rapid and sustainable growth in all national, economic and social fields. More About PEC (
Pakistan Bar Council (PBC)
The Pakistan Bar Council is the highest elected body of lawyers in Pakistan established by the Parliament in 1973 under the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act. The Attorney-General for Pakistan is its ex-officio Chairman. The Members of the Pakistan Bar Council are elected on the basis of a single transferable vote by Members of the Provincial Bar Councils. The Pakistan Bar Council exercises general control and supervision over the Provincial Bar Councils and regulates the entry of lawyers into the legal profession. More About PBC (
National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC)
The National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC) was established by the Higher Education Commission, Govt. of Pakistan in 2008 to implement a comprehensive program of accreditation of agriculture education degree programs based on policies, procedures, and criteria set up by HEC to ensure high quality and standards of education. The Council is responsible to publish a list of ranking of agriculture qualifications/programs and promote intellectual development and understanding of subject areas that impact accreditation activities in the agriculture profession. Besides, the NAEAC is mandated to provide guidance for the improvement of the existing educational programs and the development of future programs leading to the agriculture profession. More About NAEAC (
National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE)
NACTE was established at HEC in 2008. It looks after the matter regarding the accreditation of institutions and their departments, faculties and disciplines by awarding appropriate ratings and define the organization's objectives, functions and duties to be performed. It periodically evaluates, scrutinizes and monitors the standards followed in different Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions and their affiliated colleges where any teacher education degree programs are offered. More About NACTE (